Andrewex Tvärskog Timber AB logotype

Now the heart of the new planing line is in place

Andrewex Tvärskog Timber AB får sin nya hyvel lyft på plats.
The new planer, Waco Gigant, was lifted into place.

Monday the 25th of September, we welcomed the heart of the new planing line as a brand new planer from Mouldex was delivered to Tvärskog on a truck from Halmstad.

When the planing line is ready in early November, it will be able to produce 40,000 cubic meters of planed timber per year when running on day shifts.

– This is a huge leap for us. With the new planing line, we can triple production compared to before, or even more. Previously, we needed to outsource much of our planing to an external supplier, but now we will be able to do all the planing in-house, says CEO Thomas Gustafsson.

Offers planing on demand

The decision for the sawmill’s largest investment ever was made in May 2022. The total investment will cost around 30 million Swedish kronor. According to Thomas Gustafsson, it is money well invested:

– We export the majority, around 90 percent, of our products. The main part goes to our subsidiary in the United Kingdom and to the American market. There, only planed goods are demanded. Being able to plane ourselves is a prerequisite for us to be able to deliver consistently to these markets.

Thomas Gustafsson therefore highlights that he can now offer planing to others – so-called ‘custom planing’:

– There will be capacity for further processing of others’ timber in the planer.

Giant planer

The construction and installation of the new planing line have been carried out in close cooperation with the company Almab, which is responsible for the project’s implementation, while the planer itself comes from Mouldex in Halmstad.

– It’s a Waco Gigant with nine spindles, says Thomas Gustafsson. It will be able to plane at a maximum feed speed of 250 linear meters per minute.

To accommodate the entire planing line, an old finger-jointing line has been dismantled. In addition, we have made an extension of 70 square meters to house the pressing and strapping machine, as well as a new air compressor.

On December 13th – on Lucia Day – we plan to hold the official inauguration of the new planing line. Something that Thomas Gustafsson is looking forward to:

– This investment marks an important milestone for us and strengthens our position as a significant player in the sawmill industry. We look forward to the opportunities that the new planing line opens up for us!