On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, the vessel Shinsung Clever left Varberg harbor with a first historic delivery from Tvärskog to the USA!
We at Andrewex Tvärskog Timber AB have until now supplied Scandinavian and European customers with our construction timber. But now we are also investing in the North American market, where the need for construction timber is great.
The first shipment takes 350 m3 of CLS studs across the Atlantic. The destination is the Port of lake Charles in Louisiana, where the products will be unloaded for delivery to several different customers.
— It feels great that our products are now on their way across the Atlantic. It is a historic day, says Joakim Blomberg, sales manager at Andrewex Tvärskog Timber AB.
The ship Shinsung Clever is 177 meters long and 28 meters wide. It has a dead weight of 37,084 tonnes. Transport by sea goes via Bremen. Estimated arrival at Port of lake Charles is March 18.